Join Our CSA!
Get Apples… and More!

We have CSAs!

Brand Farms is excited to offer CSAs in our family of products. We are done taking orders for CSAs but will take orders again next August

FARM PICK UP: Starting Mid-Late August
Option 1: 12 weeks of 1 dozen large eggs per week
Option 2: 12 weeks of 1 dozen large eggs per week, Plus 2 broiler chickens (one at the beginning of the season and one at the end)

Option 1: 12 weeks of 1/2 peck of apples per week
Option 2: 12 weeks of 1/2 peck of apples per week, Plus either an apple pie or an apple crisp on the final pick up day
Option 3: 12 weeks of 1 peck of apples per week
apples in bags
Starting Mid-Late August
Option 1: 12 weeks of 1 dozen large eggs per week

Option 1: 8 weeks of 1/2 peck of apples per week
Option 2: 8 weeks of 1 peck of apples per week

More info on Apples:
1/2 peck = 5 lbs or about 12 apples
1 peck = 10 lbs or about 25 apples
Apple varieties subject to change weekly

Bloomington Farmers Market
Bloomington Civic Plaza
1800 Old Shakopee RD
Bloomington, MN 55431

Go HERE to sign up for a CSA!
Start dates are subject to change depending on weather.