We have lots of Varieties!


Brand Farms has lots of apples, including these varieties:
First Kiss: Late August. This apple is juicy yet tart and is our first apple available for the season. Only available pre-picked.
Zestar!: Late August to Early September. Fruit have a sweet-tart flavor and are crisp. This apple is good for baking, sauce or just eating. Fruit needs to be refrigerated.
Chestnut Crabapple: Early September this rich, nutty flavored apple is at its peak. Best for fresh eating due to its small size.
SweeTango®: Early to Mid September. This apple is juicy and sweet with hints of fall spices. One of our most popular varieties!
Honey Crisp: Late September. Minnesota's State Fruit and most popular! This apple has explosive crispiness and juiciness. Best for fresh eating and salads.
Honeygold: Late September. Sweet, crisp, and juicy yellow skinned apples are good for fresh eating and baking.
Haralsons: Late September to Early October. The top baking apple of all time! Tart apple with a hint of sweet only after a frost.
SnowSweet: Early October. They are slightly tart but great for snacks and salads due to their slowless to brown. A HIGHLY sought after variety for U-pick!
Fireside: Mid October. They are sweet with a mild flavor, very large sized fruit. Good for baked apples.
Cortland: Early October. Good for making delicious apple sauce. The dark purple skin causes the sauce to be pink in color. Only available pre-picked.
Evercrisp: Late October. Good for eating and baking. Only available pre-picked.
Aaron and apples apples in bags apples in bin

Pick Your Own Apples!

U-Pick Apples info!
U-Pick is available every weekend starting late August to October.
Check our facebook page for updates on what's available for picking!

Apple Products

We offer lots of apple related goodies! Pies, crisps, caramel apples, apple chips, apple butters, apple donuts and fresh pressed apple cider!
apples in bags apple Cider apple chips apples donuts apple pie